It is the time to think where to start

Yaqi Z
2 min readJun 17, 2021

After understanding the current difficulties facing the pension system, it is time to start thinking about facing this problem.

I will start my project based on the Double Diamond model. Not only will I use its zoon in and zoom out thinking, but it will also help me manage the entire project schedule very well.

Design Council — Double Diamond

In addition, after reading a lot of literature and research on the subject, I realised that in China, pension issues are mostly limited to the theoretical level, and it is still unknown whether they can be applied in practical situations. This means that I may need to apply Frayling’s research through practice to help me understand parents better.

Therefore, in this postgraduate project, I will be using prototypes and tests at various design processes to identify problems and get feedback quickly.

Through my Discover phase, I have come to understand that ageing is not just about parents, children and the state, but also about a wide range of social issues, including marriage and fertility rates. The community is by far the first partner. This is because their distance and connection with families is the part that can be enhanced at the moment, and also they aim to provide better services, which is in line with my aim.

In the Define phase, I will be mapping the information gained directly, for example, mapping the various stakeholders’ journey, etc. I will analyse the issues and available options at each life stage from a more holistic ageing perspective, analysing in detail the opportunities and key points at different levels. This will enable me to target the key users and their pain points and difficulties.

As I entered the Develop phase, I needed to use co-design workshops or prototype testing. During the initial interviews, I found that parents are often more likely to say what they think than what they feel when faced with actual choices and actions. The selection of the people will initially be tested with a small group to ensure that after the workshop, I can get some answers to questions and iterate in time. Ultimately, this will be done with a particular community as the test unit. In the final test, I will invite the participation of relevant staff to add reflection and discussion.

In the final Deliver stage, I will put all the information together into a viable set of solutions to find out what would help people enjoy their retirement.

